I was playing kabaddi and after a tackle through my right shoulder, it started paining when i was moving it sound l around. It was not very much pain but whenever i was doing movement especially using my rear shoulder (right side) and behind the neck shoulder lifting, it was just paining a lot. It was feeling like being dislocating or the muscles were not properly binding adjusting as they used to before although there was no injury in bone.I used to workout regularly and so my gym trainer told me that it might be muscle straining and told me to take powergesic mr for 3-4 days and i did it too..but nothing helped..i thought it might get healed automatically so i stopped workout for 1 month and waited for it to get healed..but it also didnt helped so i consulted a senior specialist ortho doctor. He asked for MRI scan and after report came he told that my rear rotator cuff was teared(not completely).. so the treatment started and physiotherapy also(after 1 month)...its been 2 months now, after the treatment has started but it is same as day 1...what should i do now... please help me..i am losing my muscles and my hope too..