So basically a year and a half ago, I made friends with someone who we'll call A. I was a closeted gay 14 year old boy and she seemed like a cool person. I'd been friends with mostly guys prior, but we didn't quite get along as well as I would get along with a girl (I'm very flamboyant and effeminate). The friendship started when we both couldn't stop laughing at the fact that she's always falling out of chairs, and we became really close for about 6 months. During that time, I trusted her and came out, and she responded ecstatically, and we became even closer. I slept over at her house once and it was fun.

We got through the first year of our friendship without having a single fight. I'm not exaggerating, we literally never fought ever. Our first fight was about how I told her that I'm a dedicated gamer (my favorite game being Halo) and she told me it was a waste of time, and I got a little irritated. From that point on, I realized that I was always worried whether she actually wanted to stay friends or not, and I never told her about the anxieties. We barely get along lately, we seem to have nothing in common except we both liked men and had lots of animals.

It feels like she may be embarrassed to be seen with me, since she is healthy, active and fit while I'm extremely overweight. But I usually brush these concepts off because I have two social anxiety disorders and I tend to blow things way out of proportion.

She is a very busy person who never seems to have time to hang out outside of school, and Semester 1 has ended at my school so I've been contemplating trying to make different friends in Semester 2 (I still want to stay friends with her) mainly to become more social, as I'm very reclusive and rarely leave my house. The thought of me not being friends with A anymore makes me sad because we were so close for so long, but I don't think this is a healthy relationship anymore. Should I try to make more friends next semester?