My father has a daughter and son from his first marriage. He and his daughter and son, for various reasons, no longer speak to each other or are part of each other's lives. I have been lucky that I have managed to build a great relationship with my half sister and half brother. My sister has a baby, today, and I am so happy. She has already put it on facebook. Do I tell my father? He has shown no interest in her pregnancy, has not contacted her at all, and vice versa - I was the one who told him she was pregnant. She doesn't really want anything to do with him. I figure if he doesn't find out from me he won't find out from anyone. It is his first grandchild. I feel really sad about the whole situation but don't know what to do. I could ask her whether she minds if I tell him but I want to give her some space so she settles with the baby, etc. (she is interstate).