So long story short I didn't sign a lease when I moved in with a former friend. My brother introduced us and told me he needed a roommate and I wanted to move to that town. It was a one bedroom and if I moved in he said we could get a two bedroom in a couple of months. Flash forward four months and I'm still sleeping on the sofa in the living room. I haven't paid him my half of the rent in two months (400 for me each month so I owe 800) because I have a sucky minimum wage job and had to put whatever money I had into the fee/ deposit of an apartment that I had found with two other friend (this apartment rocks, and I get my own room.) So after he understandably got mad about me leaving, he kicked me out that hour and I was homeless for about four days. Luckily his grandpa found me and let me stay with him and even helped me move. About a month later I gave the former roommate 200 because I don't like owing people. I have a better job now but am hesitant to give him the remaining 600 since I spent 200 on toxoplasmosis medication and another 100 on a doctor visit. I had contracted toxoplasmosis when I was living with him. I slept in the living room where he kept his litter box. He never cleaned out the box and by the time I tried I was super light headed going near it. I had asked him if he could clean it but he never touched it. I know that I'm not legally bound to pay him the remaining amount but I really hate owing money. I'm really conflicted about what to do. Oh, and I did try to sleep in his room but it was super tiny. When I tried sleeping in the bed on the opposite side but it just felt awkward. Oh, and I'm female. I found out later that he had a huge crush on me. I guess I should have figured that out when he kept visiting my work