My Husband has a baby girl with his ex-girlfriend. I have met her child already, I love her and have no problem with him having another child. I am currently five months along and we have done a great job of keeping me and the baby a secret from her, until yesterday when she saw us out and about walking around, with her daughter. She did not get angry in anyway. She asked him if I was pregnant and he said that I was. Now she is saying that she has every right to meet my son when he is born because I met her daughter. However, I really feel that she has no right, this is my son and I would feel really uncomfortable if she met him. She is a bit unstable, is currently dealing with child protective services due to some personal problems. I am not in anyway involved with anything that has to do with her, other than going out with her daughter every now and then. I told my Husband that I would much rather have my son grow up not knowing who this woman is, he agrees completely but she is starting to really insist on meeting him, so far as asking me where I am delivering when, how I plan on doing it and if she can be there. Should I let her meet my son? Or tell her no and keep him as far away from her as possible?