I've been attending highschool for 2 and a half years now and I've never really felt connected here or enthusiastic about going from class to class and I always have a hard time with the work. I've never had very many friends and can't seem to connect with anyone here because I'm always exhausted and frustrated with school.I'm currently suffering from depression and anxiety and I feel that school is the main source of my problems. I hate being around huge crowds of fellow students and I feel like I'm not learning anything that will benefit me in the future. Sure I'm learning about math and history and science but I'm not learning how to get a job, I'm not learning how to drive or do taxes or pay bills. How much science or history or math am I gonna need to know if I'm going to work in retail, fastfood or any other decent paying job. I lnow enough things to work a simple job and I will always learn more as I'm being trained and working.I'm not dumb and I see myself as mature for my age. The point is, I dont feel right being at school. I feel that I have no time to do things when I get home, whether it be homework assignments or fun activities. I constantly feel overwhelmed and sad and tired. Latley I've been afraid of hurting myself in the future because I fear that my depression will get too severe. I don't want to drop out and I don't think home studies is a form of that. I'm a great artist and I believe I could make something out of my self by focusing on my ability. I'm creative and always have ideas but I'm too busy and exhausted being here at school. I know I will get lots of work doing home studies but I'll have timr and can do it in the comfort of my home. I'll look for a job soon and I know I'll be great. I'm really happy when I'm helping others and I love knowing thar I'll make other's happy and I'll be making money. I'm just sick of school and I want to make something of myself. So is home studies a good idea for me? My family supports the decision to do so and they have good lifes and they never even complted hughschool or went to college. I would like some advice on what to do and if anyone answeing my question went on hime studies, please let me know how it was/is and how life is for you. Thankyou for reading my long question.