My children. And i left in hopes to prosper we were staying. With. The dad he regularly used alcohol, he wasn't. Physically abusive, but was mean to me on a constant daily basis . We were going to stay with my mom to get us on our feet only to get put. Out. A couple.months Later by my. Stepdad. I have been unsuccessful getting to work because I stay at home with the kids with no. Help I. Have looked at resources around this area with nothing to go by, i still apply at all these places. We are in an area where we don't know anyone to. Help. I feel like the only option is to go back to the kids. Father.
Responses (1)
well theres the state you can apply for cash and foodstamps and medical sometimes they give emergency childcare as well as emergency money to find a apt it would help you get on your feet where you could look for some work or go to school how old are your your kids was the kids father dependable as far as paying the bills this would be important is it possible you could get him for spousal support and child support if hes mean you might beable to ignore that part but it doesn't look like he would not drink it would put a big scare into him you would think you might have to go back if you can't find other acommidations