I am male and I am 16. At the moment I attend a school that focuses mainly on engineering(Electrotechnology)(school type(HTL)).
I live in Europe, but I want to go to university somewhere else and I also want to work somewhere else. I thought about Singapore or something more Asian.
But now there is that Girl around. I know her from my Dancing school. We dance Ballroomdance and she is kinda my Partner. The thing is I really seem to like her and so does she seem to like me. She is actually the first girl where I don't believe that the relationship would only last for a few Years or so but for a really long time (of course that is hard to say but.... let's pretend life is not always shit). I believe that because she doesn't seem to be spoiled, arrogant or anything like that.Neither Ideological, Religious or part of any extremist group. We would have the common Ballroom dance where we seemed to get along Very well(We seem both to be very passionate about that and we also both love Ice skating or Ice dancing as combined). So I really don't know If I should follow my dreams or my heart.
I don't see any great career chances where I live right now and for my futur plans I would need a lot of mobility. That is of course hard as she seems to want to do something with Teaching or some stuff. I would rather travel around my whole lifetime around the world not only seeing the world but living the world. Living here and there and maybe not always in the best conditions, but that's an adventure too. But with family...?(Oh and because of my Mobility I expect myself to earn more. I see so many people around me declining GREAT job opportunitys just because they don't want to move away from where they are.)
So my Question would be if I should Follow my "Dream" or My "Heart", because that's a big difference.