so I was out at 1130 on night looking to meet up with someone I meet online. so I go over to where they are but mistake there neighbors house for there house. so I pull up and see that things aren't right so I start to turn around right them this old guy comes out and say "what are you looking for" I tell him "I am sorry sir I am a little lost I am just turning around sorry to disturb you" so then he asked me again "what are you looking for: so I tell him I am trying to find a fiends house. he asked me again what I was looking for but adds "what is your name" I respectfully said "I am sorry sir I don't feel comfortable telling you that I will leave immediately sorry to intrude" then he says "you made a mistake coming hear" then tried to go to the front of my car. thankfully I was already turned around because I booked it out of there like a bat out of hell. I don't know if he gut my plat numbers but I am kind freaked out because this guy seemed kind of crazy should I be worried? last time I checked its not illegal to turn around in someone's driveway and its not illegal to not say who you are if you feel in danger or in harms way right?