A few weeks ago, one of my best guy friends asked me out, and I said yes out of pity, after I had said no at first. (because im not ready for a relationship, and I didn't like him in that way.) I broke up with with him a few days ago, because he was being really clingy and annoying, and my friend said she saw him flirting with another girl. He didn't know that I never actually liked him, nor my reasons for breaking up with him. But when I did, he was HAPPY about it. His friends who are also my friends confirmed that he (note that these are guys, I found out they think he is a jerk, because this guy jumps from girl to girl, they even told me about how he has this plan that he will never stick to one girl) The stupid thing is that I was afraid of breaking up with him because I didn't want to hurt his feelings, and I wouldn't think he was such a jerk if he was upset. But I heard that he wasn't the least bit upset and has already found another victim (haha, guess what, its the same girl who my best friend saw him flirting with) and now I just feel like punching this guy in the face everytime I see him. I know this is stupid, but should I be angry about this, am I overreacting? Please no hate on me if I am overreacting, but this has bothering me, and lowering my self esteem.
Responses (2)
Your not overreacting!
I'm really sorry that this happened to you, especially cause you were being so nice about trying not to hurt his feelings. I think you need to realise that in the long run he is the one that will suffer because he'll get a bad name for himself.
Hold your head up and realise that no one is laughing at you, you did the right
thing :)