So here's the deal. I had something going on with this guy who studies at the same school with me. Acctually we are class mates. But he got a good job from another city, so he hasn't been around lately. We had one night thing but we were also friends and we had good time together. He said that he doesn't want long term relationship at the moment and I said the same thing even though I guess it wasn't completely true. I don't know why he doesn't want a relationship. Maybe it's because he lives quite far at the moment or maybe he is just afraid of commitment. Or maybe he was just after sex. I don't know. I thought I shouldn't be in touch with him anymore because I would just get hurt. I've just sent him coupe of text messages when I had something important to say and he replied nicely, but that's it. Otherwise he hasn't been in touch with me lately.

Now my problem is that there's a chance I could get a job working in the same firm with this guy. It's a long story, but it's a very good firm, interesting work, good salary, nice people and I would do the same work as he does. But wouldn't it be weird? He acctually saw me one day and when we talked about education and this firm, he said that I should apply there as well. I don't know was it just small talk, a joke or did he acctually mean that and want that. He was nice and he was smiling so I think it might have been just small talk. Anyway I guess it would be ok for him if I was there. I'm not sure if it's ok for me though. I'm afraid I would just think about him all the time and not be able to concentrate on work and I would get hurt eventually. So should I apply for this job? It would mean that I should move or get additional apartment from this another city in which I would work. I have quite good job opportunities in my own city as well, but maybe not as good as the firm where this guy works.

So what should I do?