When faced with a malpractice lawsuit, a doctor should be cautious about relying solely on a hospital's lawyer. The primary duty of a hospital's lawyer is to protect the interests of the hospital, which may not always align with the interests of the doctor. In situations where the hospital and the doctor could be seen as having conflicting responsibilities or liabilities, the hospital's lawyer might prioritize the hospital's defense over that of the individual physician. This inherent conflict of interest can potentially compromise the doctor’s defense strategy and personal legal protection.

Given these potential conflicts, it is often advisable for doctors to seek their own legal representation. An independent attorney for malpractice can provide dedicated and tailored legal advice focused entirely on the doctor's interests. This ensures that the doctor's rights are fully defended, and their specific concerns are addressed throughout the litigation process. While the hospital's lawyer can provide valuable general insights and initial support, having an independent legal advocate ensures that the doctor’s personal and professional interests are comprehensively and uncompromisingly protected.

Ensure your rights and interests are fully protected with dedicated legal representation. Click here - https://www.injurylawyers.com/medical-malpractice-attorney/