My 14 year old "friend" and I (13) were playing basketball and football with his friends. Everything was great. After three hours of basketball, I got a killer headache and we all went in the house to get some food. My dad came to pick me and my brothers up, so we went into the woods to find them. You know boys, always exploring.. :P Anyway, on the way to the lake he was asking me personal questions about my privates and what they looked like, if I shaved them, if I had had my period yet, etc. I found these kind of personal but I shrugged them off. After we got back to the house, I had to pee so I went to the bathroom. When I came out and went to get my stuff, he showed me his private parts. Then he was getting really awkward and kept asking me if I wanted to have sex. I was done with that stuff (after all, I am not having sex until I am married and I am too young anyway) so I left without saying goodbye to him. I don't feel comfortable around him anymore, and don't think the same way about him anymore. I have never thought about him being any more than a friend to me, after all, I have my crush to look forward to. He is the only one that has ever stood out to me. What should I do to tell him to back off/I'm not interested?