Results for 'College Athlete Sports'
Im a track athlete but I haven't sprinted in a year. How long will it take to get my speed back?
I'm a college track athlete but haven't ran in about a year. I've been so tied up with work that I only hit the gym mabey 2 times a ...
How the lessons I have learned through playing sports have positively impacted as I pursue college?
I want about 400-500 words on this question. This can help me get a scholarship as an athlete to further my education at the university level. Please ...
I am trying to submit ideas for a contest to have a famous athlete come to my classroom. Thoughts?
I need to come up with 5 reasons we deserve to have a professional athlete come in and read to my students. I am out of ideas. Any suggestions would ...
Posted 3+ months • 2 answers •
Related support groups: read, student, thought, famous, classroom, idea, athlete, professional, contest, suggestion
Hi, do anyone knows any satellite tv providers who provides european sports channels?
i mean sports channels that show french league1, la lega, series A and champions league. right now the channels im using are indian sports channels ...
Posted 3+ months • 1 answer • 1 star
Related support groups: sport, satellite, channel, european, sports, tv
Is there a one out there that can send me information on how to a Xgo DX box up the instructions on
... how to set this box up the instructions that came with it does not tell you how to get sports and a lot of movies i am lost on how to set it up ...
Related support groups: lots, sport, information, lost, movie, instructions, sports, movies, help
Do I have to go to a real college before I go to the college of what I want to be when I grow up?
I was wondering do I have to go to a real college before I go to the college of what I want to be when I grow up? Or will the college that i want to ...
Should college athletes be paid?
For the past few weeks I find my belly is stiff. Together with nerves twtchin in my legs! Y is this?
I find my stomach is stiff when I breathe and I have twitching of nerves in my body. I am just 17. I am an athlete.
Related support groups: past, week, body, leg, together, belly, stomach, athlete, nerves
So I'm being investigated for a cardiac condition, now in worst cases it can cause heart attack. Now
... heart attacks don't commonly occurs in teens such as myself especially since I'm an athlete, I'm worried that if I start to get ...
Posted 3+ months • 0 answers •
Related support groups: case, heart, teen, attack, chest, athlete, worried
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