I'm trying to put together a study guide, could someone answer these questions.

What property of both longitudinal and transverse waves increases the amount of energy transferred?

What happens to the medium as a wave moves through it?

How are frequency and wavelength related?

Which color in the visible spectrum has the most energy?

Why isn't the sky orange?

What is the correlation between the length of a light wave and its frequency?

What is a wave?

Identify properties (parts) of waves. ( e.g., crest, trough, wavelength, resting place,
amplitude, frequency)

Describe how energy influences frequency, or amplitude

Describe and/or make observations regarding the relationship between wavelength and frequency.

Compare/contrast the two main groups (types) of waves: mechanical and electromagnetic.

Compare/contrast various waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Describe the importance/uses for each wave in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Compare/contrast the 3 types of mechanical waves: longitudinal (compressional), transverse and surface in terms of direction of energy, direction of particle motion and materials through which each wave travels (just solids? or through all phases? or?)

Explain why electromagnetic waves are significant to study of astronomy.

Explain how seismic waves (primary and secondary) are used to determine layers of the Earth’s interior.

Sound waves: what type of wave, through what materials, speed, change in speed in
different materials, frequency/pitch, amplitude/volume, …

Human ear: identify major parts (inner, middle, outer; auditory canal, stirrup, hammer, ear drum, cochlea…)

Wave Behavior: reflection and refraction
give examples
identify in different scenarios whether sound or light
make predictions regarding reflection of light
make predictions regarding refraction of light