what to do when I feel sad almost all the time? I feel like each day is a chore. Even things that should be fun...I can't find much that makes me happy in this life. I have had such a hard and lonely life and so much terrible ghastly luck. I have no family anymore, I have few friends - I am sick and awaiting an operation in 4 weeks - I am financially broke...and many more awful things happened to me. how to not feel alone when I have such a lonely life? how to not feel sad when Ive had such a harsh horrible life? I don't believe medication is the answer? I have tried before and it did nothing...but maybe I should try it again. Ive tried and tried to turn things around - hope - and work towards goals - but none of my goals have really succeeded yet (Im in music, and it's hard to get anywhere in music, and hard to make money too). please offer some advice?
Responses (1)
You probably have mild depression, and medication is not always the answer. Therapy can help too, and you may be deficient in a vitamin. Music also has many opportunities, you could join an orchestra, give lessons, be a music teacher or band director at a school etc. Just don't give up.