Does anyone know any good methods to use when revising/learning something new? :/
Responses (2)
Entre "Revision techniques" into Google ( without the ""!)
The ones I liked were the Whitby Community College, a pdf Revision techniques from and Cambridge Studies Revision tips.
All say much the same from planning a workable schedule, find somewhere quiet & away from distractions (like Tv ), do 30 to 40min sessions & break to do something lighter for 10min (school does this for a reason!). Use memory techniques, turn facts into visual picture stories, (adverts on tv do this so you remember
them). After every session test yourself, then retest a few days later & a week & month!
It is also useful to have a study buddy, not only will it help with keeping to a plan, but with help in explaining things you can get stuck on & of course testing.
One for sure is that cramming & rereading is the slowest way.
Hope this is helpful & good luck with your studies.
How good revision methods are depend on the individual.
If you love reading, go by the classis book digesting.
If you're forgetful, do questions that impliment what you've learnt and write many notes, placing them everywhwere.
If you hate searching though big bulks of text, use a highlighter pen to highlight the important stuff.
Get my drift?
You have to find the methods that best work for you and your learning style(s).