
The reason I am writing is because I would like a third unbiased person to please help me with honest feedback.

I was with my boyfriend at Universal Studios to enjoy a day out of town with him and also to celebrate our six month anniversary. Everything seemed to going well.
We went to go get on the new Harry Potter attraction and while in line, we were picked to test out the seat tester to ensure we had no problems riding the attraction.
I am a heavier set female. My boyfriend is a slender athletic fit male. Unfortunately, I was too big to ride and we were kicked out of the line. I was so embarrassed and humiliated. The first thing I did was find the nearest restroom and cried my eyes out. Eventually, when I cleared up, we went with our day. He noticed something was wrong and repeatedly asking me. I denied it, simply because I did not want to bust into tears in the middle of a theme park and much less talk about it at that given time. I was waiting to tell him once we got back into the car and on our way back home so that I can have a heart to heart conversation with him and not ruin our day. Eventually, he figured out what was wrong on his own, and started tearing up. From that moment, he started to become emotionally aggressive and claiming I was a liar for not telling him the truth from the beginning. On our car ride home he kept lecturing me, yelling at me, and calling me a liar. I did not receive one inch of support from him. He tells me he's not wrong from saying the things he said and I feel he is very inconsiderate for not taking my feelings into consideration and for expressing his so harshly.

Am I wrong for thinking the way I think? Is he right for calling me a liar?