k so if you have read my other questions you'll know that I have a crush on two boys named korben and mat c. mat won't go out with me because he doesn't want a gf right now cause of family problems and I don't really like korben that much anymore and he has a gf. so over the past like 3 months this guy named Anthony had been trying to guess who I have a crush on cause I won't tell him. at first I didn't like anyone and it was just for fun but after a little while I started to like him. today after school he followed me home I spent 2 hours jc with him later on over fb I was talking to him and I told him that it was him. He told me he likes me too. I would date him because he is an amazing person. and a really nice guy but my best friend dated him and he now hates her. I know that my other best friend will disapprove because he wanted to have sex with my first best friend. I am very very strong willed so I know that won't happen but what I can't do is break the bro code for girls. NEVER DATE YOUR BEST FRIENDS EX AND YOU KNOW BROS B4 HOES I don't know what it is for girls . PLEASE HELP ME