A guy tells this girl that he likes her on text. She surprised because she didn't even know him. Later they switch numbers and he starts texting her. Strangely though, he never talks to her at school. So she asks his friend. His friend tells her that he is just shy and get all red when he tries to talk to her. She think it's cute so she lets it pass. 3 weeks later he asks her out. She says no, because she's only known him for 3 weeks. She feels bad, because his friend keeps asking why she rejected him. But luckily he (the guy who likes her) seems cool with it. He asks her if they are still friends and she says yes. They talk a lot, but suddenly he tells her he's moving. She feels shocked and says that she will miss him. He says that he come back when he gets a car. He moves to another town in the same state. They don't text back for a while. She forgets and finds new friends. Then suddenly after 6 months, he texts her. She didn't get to check her phone, so she doesn't get to answer. He doesn't text again. Then 2 months later, she goes to a party. the guy's friend is there, and after the party, she sees a text from that guy. She thinks its a fake and doesn't reply.

Should the girl hold on to him? or just forget about him?

Was he tricking her or was it serious?