In my spare time, I sometimes write raps. I wanna see what you people think of my lyrics... Thanks for reading!

When the last girl moved away, I thought that I was out of cupid's range,
That he couldn't track me any longer, that he finally lost my trail,
But when the vacation ended, that's when I found myself starin' at you,
And it wasn't long before I realized the god of love was on my tail.
The manhunt resumed, the chase back on,
And I wonder if I can avoid him for long.
He's flanking me wherever I turn, pushing me to you, gotta be strong.
See, his arrows got a lock on me, the same way my eyes are locked on you,
Should I go through with it or surrender to,
The superior artillery and cupid's moves?

I managed to dodge a few of his shots,
But I can't return fire, just run or get caught.
Pursued by a baby, bad for my morale,
So should I give in and fall for this gal?