Dear friend, I'm writing u this to get ur opinion and ur help. My husband confronted me about him cheating on me with my sister....I have allot to ask and at the time being I'm so confused and depresset. questions are?!...

Could there be more secrets??
Could he do it again??
Why did he do it in first place??
Could I really forget this one day??
How could my sister do this to me?!
Who really started in the first place?! Is it him or her?!
My husband wants me to delete this from my memory but how could I??
Could he still be wanting her?!
Could she still be wanting him?!

Is it right to forgive someone u love that much?!

Should I get a divorce?!

All though we had bad times together ether from me or him... I still feel that he is the best thing in my life...So could he be feeling the same way for me?!

Could he be still wanting me?!

Why cant people appreciate what they have from the first place?!

Could sex ever be the same between me and him?!

Could he really be still loving me?!

I'm really scared of what might come.