My questions are for someone who is or has been deaf and remember being deaf very well.
1) before you could hear language... What were your thoughts like?? Pictures?? Sign language??
2) -if you can now hear- now that you know sound, could you talk about silence (not hearing anything) vs quiet (always some form of sound)??
3) before you could hear what did you think sound was like?? In what ways was sound different than you imagined??
4) before you could hear, when a dog opened its mouth... What did you suspect was coming out?? What sounds shocked you??
5) were you able to comprehend or understand what sound was or what it was supposed to be??
6) if you learned to speak while you were deaf could you explain what that was like and how you did it??
7) do you like your voice?? Is it a part of your identity now like your eye color or your height?