In 7th grade, I met her. She was my 7th grade teacher. I'm a pretty shy girl so she started talking to me during class when we had a free time to do work. She would only talk to me during class if I have finished my work and I'm just sitting at my desk doing nothing. She would come up to my desk and starts talking to me to try to get to know me better. During the first few times, we talked very little because I was nervous. But after awhile, I got better at talking to her. Soon enough, we started forming a friendship this year (9th grade). When we go see and talk to each other, we talk for a while then the bell rings and it's time to go to my next class or sometimes I would stay after school to talk when I wasn't busy with homework. But about a month and a half ago, she started pulling away from me. I've tried talking to her a few times and she responds with short answers. I've asked, "How are you?" and she just waits a couple seconds then responds "fine". When she says fine, she sounds angry and upset. She's been very quiet now when she's around everyone. Every time she sees me somewhere in school, she looks very upset. I've wanted to ask her if she is okay but i'm afraid that she will yell at me for bothering her. I've been told by the principal that I can no longer stay after school unless I tell him ahead of time or go see her. I just want to know what's going on with her. I keep thinking that maybe there's something going on in her life right now that she's afraid of telling me. It really seems like she hates me now but she recently told the counselor that she doesn't hate me. I did nothing wrong, but it seems like I did something wrong since she's not talking. I don't know if she still cares about us being friends anymore. I miss her so much! I think she misses me a lot too but i'm not sure because she looks like she's upset when I see her. I have many questions but no answers. :( What do you guys think I should do?