... animals. And ive already been looking at colleges (Northern College and Guelph) thats it, for now. But what really has me at a cross road with myself..is that i dont know if i actually want to do it. I know its a bit early to decide since i have a year and half to go, but i cant help thinking.. do i really want to work with animals? Theres just something i feel im missing, something that i think i need to figure out. But i truely, do not know how. And i dont know of its to do with my friends or family or my enviorment(need a new scenery)... i know its internal that im struggling with i just dont know what i need to do to fix that. I feel like i dont know what to live for i need to feel complete and know that what i do as a career will actually impact something that will make my life purpose worth it..though i dont know what that is.. i think i just need some really good strong advice something to maybe inspire me to change and figure out who i am and what i will eventually be. Thankyou