... I am hating it and I don't see anything positive about living a life like this.
Responses (1)
You're 17. You haven't even started to live yet. I bet you'll look back at this at 25 and think wow what was a thinking, at 40 you'll look back at 25 and think the same thing.
There are people without arms and legs and live their lives. There are people who have no family, no food or water or even shelter and they push to survive.
The best thing for depression is to help others. You will be active, you will find meaning and you will learn new skills and feel better about yourself as a human.
If you haven't already seen a professional, do so. Self diagnosing never works, the only way you can get better is with real help and you can only get help once there has been test and they know what's wrong. If this is a chemical imbalance, it can be fixed with medication. If it is from something that has occurred in life, this can be treated with counseling. But it's more than likely hormonal, i don't think i went through high school with out anyone saying they were mentally ill, most of them just thought they were and some actually convinced themselves life was worth living over the silliest things, like a parent not letting them sleep over someones house. 13-25 is an awkward time for finding yourself. But once you get there all the things you face will make you a better person.
Here's a plan. Step1: Go seek a professional. Step2: Go volunteer. Step 3: Look at getting a part time job. Step 4: Avoid things or groups of people who try to bring you down. Step 5: Now you're more active, find hobbies and join community groups where you can make new friends with similar interests to you.
This should help, you just need to make the first step. A school councilor will talk to you free if that's who you'd like to seek in step 1.
Live wasn't worth living* Sorry English is my 2nd language. But yeah. Also forgot to mention. Sometimes we build up our emotions and they all come out at once. It's good to find someone to vent to once in awhile. Even if you just chat to randoms online. Just becareful though =-)