So for 6 days now, I've only been able to sleep for 5 or 6 hours, after trying to sleep for god knows how long. And last night I got no sleep at all.
I've heard of melatonin, but where I live it needs to be prescribed by a doctor, and I had a doctor appointment today, but they didn't prescribe me anything. And since I'm only 13, I can't take any over-the-counter sleep medication since pretty much all of them at for 16+
I was feeling quite nausous and weak the day before I started having these sleepless nights, so I'm wondering if I'm perhaps ill or something. I've never been up past 4 AM before all this, and I usually get around 10 hours of sleep.
I've tried drinking warm milk (Which tasted disgusting and didn't help), drinking hot chocolate, trying breathing techniques, cooling down my room, and everything that I could possibly think of.
Usually I'm on my computer until like 11 PM, and then lay in bed on my iphone for around half an hour, and get to sleep with no problems, but I stopped going on my phone not long before the sleep problems started. I started going to my bed at around 10 PM now, but I was thinking, maybe I should go to bed at 11 PM again and stay on my iphone, but idk, since I heard the light from phones and computers cna distrupt sleep, but it never usually caused much of a problem for me before.
I've lost my appetite, and the lack of sleep is really beginning to stress me out, and I'm so tired. Has anyone got any suggestions? I'm desperate.

Also, I'm currently on school holidays, so I don't need to really get up early, but it sucks if I'm getting to sleep at like 4-5 AM