For the last week, I been feeling strong Braxton hicks contractions with lots of pelvic pressure. Yesterday, I felt water leakage. Rushed to L&D & pre term labor test negative. Today, I felt out of place all day. Tonight, I felt a very sharp pain down there followed with cramps, pressure, backache. When I went to l&D, they never checked my cervix or did an ultrasound. I don't know what I should do. .maybe I'm just being paranoid.
Answers (1)
Got magnet to put on fridge when I was pregnant last year for Preterm labor from wellcare.
Warning signs of Preterm Labor
1. Adominal Cramping
2. Menstrual Like Cramps
3. Uterine Contractions
4. Low, dull backache
5. Pelvic pressure
6. vaginal discharge changes
7. spotting
also you can go to and ask What are the signs and symptoms of preterm labor? Hope this helps :)