I started potty training my son at 19 months after my doctor suggested I start as I have another one on the way. He's been doing great right from the beginning. I let him run around naked for about a week and it didn't take long for him to realize the sensation and get to the potty. He only had one poop accident on the floor and after that he's been pooping in the toilet ever since (minus the small amount of accidents) It's been a month now and I've been trying to put him to bed in underwear but he still wakes up soaked. I will admit in the beginning I was sometimes putting him in a diaper to bed but not always. And lately I've started waking him up before I go to sleep and once during the night, but I still find at the 2 or 3am wake up he's already a little wet. So I'll change his underwear and by the morning he's a little wet again. Should I just put him in pull ups for night or does someone have some other suggestions on how to night time train my boy?