Hello my name is Carlos. I am a 21 year old male. I've gone threw so much problem in my short life so far . for one when I young I guess I was born with a problem I couldn't go number 2 as in go poop I guess they said they couldn't find anything wrong with me till I was 13 I got a poop bag I was also hospitalize for 2 years till I was 15 I had the bag for another year n a half maybe till I got a reversal but any who I was pick on cuhs it was strange to other and to me aslo so that hurt me a lot mentally and physically I couldn't go threw my days with out a rude comment like shit bag boy ect.. Also I forgot to add I think I still do have a rib disease they said I had or still got idk to be honest but also it slowed me down in school but I happen to almost catch up during highschool before my mother kicked me out I was forced to grow up I had a 3 bed room apt me my brother and his girlfriend I was paying for everything from my ssi but anywho my bro and his girl end up splitting up so I end up on my own witch I thinks that when I got a new problem cuh I was so stressed on being on my own it hurt so much but when that happen I picked up a werid stress reliever I think that's why I did it but I still do it till this day I pull out my eyebrow hair with my nails when I stress please I'm very concerned and I didn't really add
Everything kinda a short some it up sorry 4 miss spells words I hope u can understand aslo I know this is nobody concern but I'm also living in a garage trying to provide for my father he is at the point in his life where he can't work he also has no papers to be here so I more on my back then I can carry