... party. i knew there were going to be drinking, and i even got my self a bottle of something. i was really looking forward to it, and it turned out to be a really fun night and i had the time of my life. i wouldnt exactly say i was completely drunk, but i was not sober, so on a scale of 1-10 i would say i was a 5-6 maybe. but idk, i remember everything and it was so much fun! ive been to 3 other kind-of partys, but i never drank as much as i did this night, i just tasted. my mom never found out about this because i wasnt too nervous because i knew i werent going to get drunk or anything so i wasnt afraid to get busted. but this time i was, and i think she suspected it aswell as my brother were sure that i was going to drink. (my mom always says i can say things to her and that i should instead of keeping it a secret, but i never feel like she would understand. ps pls dont say "shes ur mom she'll understand blah blah cuz" cause she wont..) and i KNOW my brother drank when he was 16 (i am 16 aswell) and my mom never found out, and when we argued yesterday, i said he drank when he was 16 and that it was unfair that she trusted him more than me, and she doesnt believe that he drank. (i never said anything about me drinking, we argued bc she was all up in my buisness, although i called her twice that night and she called me alot and i answered all the text and did everything i was supposed to do.) what im saying is, i think i might have to tell her, bc i dont want her to find out. but i really want to to parties and stuff, but im afraid she wont let me. btw im acctually a really responsible girl, i know how to take care of myself. and all my friends drink. (i do not drink bc of group pressure, i want to drink). my mom is super overprotective . (im not allowed to stay home alone over night lol). ok now: i think i might tell her soon idk, what should i say? ive told u about my situation, pls come up with something so she will see my point of view and not be too dissapoined and never let me out again!! AND i KNOW she were like me when she was young so i think its kinda hypocrite of her to get so angry. ( I KNOW ITS BC SHE CARES BUT ITS NORMAL FOR TEENS TO GO OUT OK?) please help and thanks for your time:):):):)