I am absolutely madly head-over-heels in love wit my friend!! he had a girlfriend but i am insanely in love with him and this is eating me up inside!!! help!!!!!
Story: I usually hate romance and love, I've always thought it was cheesy. But that changed last June. My friend invited me to hang out with her and some of her school friends. I said yes, and went along. There was this boy there, who literally understood everything I said, and we had ALL of the same interests! From the moment I saw him, I loved him. He has a girlfriend now, and I still feel like even though they're dating, I love him way more than she does. Lately, I've been very very down over him. I still love him like crazy for some strange reason, and I need advice! I've been trying sooo hard for the last couple months to get over him but I can't, what should I do???!! Please Help!!!!
Good advice.