What should I do to fix this problem? I have a Canon EOS Rebel SL1. Is there a setting that I should change? Is it my camera? Do I need a new external flash? Someone please answer! Thank you in advance!
Responses (1)
An electronic flash produces light for something less than 1/1000 of a second. A flash bulb produces light for a longer period of time and takes a rather long time to get burning. A shutter that takes a while to scan a picture needs a flash that produces light for a comparable length of time. If you have noticed that fans and propellers look funny in your picture, it's because they have moved before your camera could scan them. I would guess that your external flash is electronic and the light is all gone long before your shutter goes to work.
Download the manual here: gdlp01.c-wss.com/gds/5/0300010915/01/eos-rebelsl1-100d-im-en.pdf
Instructions for external flash are on page 311.