Philosophy - what are the views of philosophers on change and permanence?

Answers (1)

Eastern thought: Taoism believes that everything is always changing, sometimes just a little bit at a time and sometimes a very big change happens. Nothing bad or unpleasant is permanent. and It is the same with things that appear fantastic, great, beautiful & lovely.
"If change is the only certainty in the universe, it is inevitable that things will sometimes grow, and sometimes decay." Chuang Tze, A Taoist sage.
Taoism(China) is a religion that started out as philosophy. More so than Buddhism. (Buddhism=An atheistic faith that recognizes the supernatural & many gods yet considers it all irrelevant!)Buddha also believed that it is our never ending search for permanence that causes us much of life's suffering. He said the key is to give up our illogical desires. A person does not need to become a Taoist or Buddhist to benefit from it.
Western thought: Now if you look at Ancient Greek's king philosophers, they r often talking about how we r ultimately mortals, that means we have limits(in comparison to old gods of Greece). but in their views, that does not mean that we should undermine what our minds can fathom. Peace.

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