People with degree in psychology can predict anything about other person and have the ability to interpret the actual cause and reason of the particular problem or personality trait. Do you agree/disagree with this statement?
Answers (4)
no i disagree with that psychologist does not predict they go the person under case study the person behavior its background and some information that is essential to the patients case they gather it and study it so they can guess what will be the next reaction of the patient to it
I also have to disagree. People with degree in psychology just got alot of information and also learned how to WIELD it, putting pieces of information together to form a impression of the person,and using their information/knowledge of these personality types to predict the outcome. You can attain all the information you need easy on the internet to be just as good as them, the difference is you have to realize how to use this information yourself, they will learn that in their course. Another reason why a shrink with a degree can "read you" is that if they think you are a certain personality type, they will act accordingly. (if we assume you are a narcissist, and the shrink believe you are a narcissist, he/she will ofcourse ask the questions needed to confirm this belief, and after a certain point of experience the shrink will feel like hitting spot on because after all, he is experienced with identifying people).
I disagree with this completely. First off, there are so many different branches of psychology. There are psychologists who study sleep, who study aging, who study the brain, who study behavior. Literally everything! It takes information, history, and lots of other things to diagnose a problem and get to the bottom of someone's personality. Everyone is different, therefore they ask questions and try to get every puzzle piece before they attempt to put it together. They go to school for their field, and are trained in techniques on HOW to get to the root of a problem and solve it, or how to decode someone's personality.
A lot of times psychologies can predict and know those those things. Predict it's not that easy, but knowing can be ( that's kind of the purpose). That depends a lot on how much time he/she has known you and how much information he/she knows about you; this includes reactions and expressions. It depends a lot on his concentration on psychology and how much interest he/she has on you like an individual.