Hi, so a couple days ago my PayPal account was limited as I had received payments that exceeded the limit for a calendar year (€1800). Due to the limitation I must prove to PayPal I am over 18 etc but the problem is I am only 16. I have tried emailing them and tweeting to them to close my account however I get no response. I asked on their help forum and one of their advisors is refusing to delete my account although I have explain to him/her that I had unrecognized transaction on my summary as well so someone is using my account!

The limitation is only stopping be from deleting my account however I can still send / receive money. I cannot remove my card however and I fear that this hacker will do more damage to my bank statement.

Are PayPal allowed to keep my account open, with all my private details on there, even after I ask them to close it?

Please let me hear your opinions on this.

Thanks in advance.