My parents are having sex, and i feel uncomfortable, im only an tween and heard them saying ready for tongight, then they kiked me out of their room. i heard the words:condom,smooching and i started crying. i know its an affection of love but still. i been trying to find condom wrappers but ive hadnt and get all the data out i found an sex toy and of box of condoms. But should i tell my sister and how do i get this solved.
Answers (6)
Dont worry about it i had the same problems when i was in that age just be happy your parents hide it from a little they dont just ok lets go have *** so yeah dont worry they wolntt always do this sorta stuff and if they do remember you have your whole life ahead of and u can look forward to moving out
Np and see told u not to worry
Ty they just kissed only. No farther than that cause there too old.