One instance in Mathew that discusses something thats in the Hebrew Bible?

Answers (3)

Here's one.

Matthew 12:15-21: "Having come to know this, Jesus departed from there. Many also followed him, and he cured them all, but he sternly ordered them not to make him known, in order to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, who said:
“Look! My servant whom I chose, my beloved, whom I have approved! I will put my spirit upon him, and what justice is he will make clear to the nations. He will not quarrel nor cry aloud, nor will anyone hear his voice in the main streets. No bruised reed will he crush, and no smoldering wick will he extinguish, until he brings justice with success. Indeed, in his name nations will hope.” (Isaiah 42:1-4)

Sincerely E

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(Matthew 19:1-30) When Jesus had finished speaking these things, he departed from Galʹi·lee and came to the borders of Ju·deʹa across the Jordan. 2 Also, large crowds followed him, and he cured them there. 3 And Pharisees came to him intent on testing him, and they asked: “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife on every sort of grounds?” 4 In reply he said: “Have you not read that the one who created them from the beginning made them male and female 5 and said: ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh’? 6 So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together, let no man put apart.” 7 
Jesus was here quoting from the creation account recorded in Genesis chapter 2. Of course Jesus would know this since he helped God create everything.

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When Jesus was being tempted by Satan in the wilderness( Matthew 4:1-11) Jesus quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures. He would say " It is Written" Deuteronomy 8:3,Deuteronomy 6:16, and Deuteronomy 10:20. He quoted from Hebrew scripture to rebuke Satan.

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