... Craigslist so I'm assuming that's why almost all haven't hatched. Our other batch hatched three. But many died fully developed and through the air sacs. I'm assuming it may be because we didn't have the humidity high enough. But I didn't want this single egg to suffocate like the others did. So I read somewhere it was okay to help after 24 hours after the day it's due. So I put a little minuscule hole in the top where the air sac is located. Then made the humidity in the incubator as high as I could and left it for another day. Now, today, I brought the egg in the bathroom with the hot shower making it as humid as i could and started peeling little bits off of the egg until I could see. I saw it moving. So I then wet the membrain and poked a tiny hole through the air sac, (but there's still a lot of yellow inside the membrain) wrapped the egg in a wet paper towel and put it back in the incubator. Now it's still moving occasionally. But it looks like the membrane is almost inflated. Like it took the place of the shell. It's dry but I continue to wet it because it's still alive. PLEASE tell me what to do!!! This is my first time hatching eggs and I'm freaking out. I know I probably shouldn't have helped this one but I think it still has a chance