i would appreciate it, ( the start of error) E@ {0@ â0@ Unknown exception TE@ {0@ â0@ bad allocation  E@ {0@ â0@ bad array new length ðE@ 7@ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion ProductId Q4 - Z 0 e3 1 no4 2 iFd9 3 b8 4 bZ 5 a04 6 O 7 eW 8 4b25 9 Color 70 title Memehax HWID Grabber Memehax Warning Do you agree to the Terms of Service?
By continuing, you agree that you have read the #tos channel in the discord, and you promise to not break the Memehax TOS.
Your HWID is...

!whitelist Your whitelist code was copied to the clipboard!
Now, to get whitelisted, simply paste it in the #whitelist channel!
pause invalid string position string too long (End or error)