... with circulation in his leg. Toes on his foot slowly turned black which is flesh dieing and rotting away (ganegreen). We had no idea at the time what it was but he went to three different hospitals to have it checked out and all three hospitals failed to tell him he had Ganegreen. They all three sent him back home. He's already had an amputation on one leg so he can't walk. One of the hospitals told him he had his leg hanging down to much and that's what was causing the black color. They sent him home in unbearable pain. About 3 weeks after that he couldent take the pain anymore and went to a different hospital and they told him He had ganegreen and a bad infection in his bone. Is it possible to start a lawsuit with the three hospitals that sent him home with ganegreen causing the infection to get worse? We're all pretty upset because the other hospitals didant catch this infection in time possibly causing him to maybe loose the only foot he has left. I just need to know if this is reason enough to start a lawsuit because I really have no idea how all this works
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