I need to be able to get revenge and please don't tell me 'hes your brother, get over it' im sick of that answer. Hes always in my stuff, never says please, is the most spoiled one in the family, I mean omg, he needs to get outa my hair, cuz I don't wanna deal with him any more. not only that my parents, ADORE him! Please help me get back at him. here is a list of things I need to get back at him 4:
*Always getting his way. He gets everything he asks for, and when he has to do his chores, he makes up some b*ullsh*t (excuse my language) excuse to get me to have to do them.
* Getting into my stuff. Any ideas on how to hide em?
* Calling me zit-face. I cant help my physical appearance. any ways to mess up his emotional one?

this question may not seem like a big deal, but belive me it is.
no ways to permanently hurt him please. I only wanna get revenge, not 'physically' damage him 4 life.

thx, 4 any help I get!