I couldn't hear for at least 2 months. I'm a 14 year old and I really need some help on this. This isn't normal for me so this is practically calling for God to help me. But that doesn't mean that I am really calling for God to help me. My parents and friends are away, and my nanny is here but she's sleeping and doesn't want to be bothered. This feels like my ear (left ear...), is clogged for at least 2 months (as mentioned before in the beginning), and do you think I have too much ear wax inside? Because when I put a Q-tip inside my ear, the left one, it hurts so bad, and then when I pulled out the Q-tip, the end of the cotton swab was plain white. My ear wax is a typical brown, ocasionally it would turn into a chocolate brown, which makes me want to vomit myself. If you could help me, that would be appreciated.

And also, the next day, when my ear was still hurting, I tried to clean it out, but, well, it began to bleed. Blood splattered all over the bathroom. Do I need to go to the EMR? If so, er, thanks. If not, thanks again.

Gracias amiga/amigos. Hasta Luego and Happy Fourth of July and Happy Birthday USA.

Thanks again...