Just looking to start a dialogue...
Responses (1)
Obamacare: it's gone too far and is not capable of being fixed, we should just get rid of his bill all together and remove Obama from the White House instead of trying to reason with Obama because he cannot be reasoned with.
People are losing health insurance because of Obamacare. We cannot keep our own plan despite Obama telling us not to worry. Everything Obama says about his health care bill is a lie. Businesses are being destroyed and people are getting laid off and fired almost entirely because of Obamacare.
Listen to Micheal Savage about Obamacare and also Mark Levin on youtube for some real insight. Obama is a socialist and a communist in one. We are going down the same path as the early Soviet Union. You should also listen to some speeches from Obama on his health care bill on youtube.
I hope this was at least somewhat helpful for you and I wish you a good luck for your dialog.