For about two weeks I've been having really weird nightmares. The setting is always the same place. I'm on my bed and I suddenly wake up, and I notice a dark figure on the corner of my room, it's always that same corner. And right when I try getting up it attacks me and always goes for the left side of my neck. It attacks me like if it was a dog. Every time this happens I try relaxing myself while asleep, and when I do, I finally open my eyes, and I usually think I'm actually awake, but nope I'm back to the beginning of the same nightmare. This will happen to me about 4 or 5 times until I finally actually wake up. And when I wake up my heart is pounding, but it's only pounding for no more than a minute. The weird part is I'm not afraid it just bugs me that I can't rest for no more thn 3 hours because it just feels so real. By the way, Every day I have a nightmare it's always something different attacking me. Any ideas why this could be going on?