I don't really know too much about Internet connection, but I know that mine is terrible. Whenever any other member of my family is at home I can't even connect to a multiplayer match (usually call of duty). The only time I can even join a game is when either no one is home, or they're all asleep. Also, when I finally can get in a match the lag is terrible and I can barely move. I've tried searching online for advice but I don't know what to do. I'm already using wired connection through Ethernet, and it's just as bad as wifi. I'm so sick of not being able to play games that I paid $60 a piece for. If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

I'm on the Xbox One and clicked the detailed network statistics while using Ethernet. They are:

Download Speed: 0.90 Mbps

Upload speed: 0.31 Mbps

Packet loss: 1%

MTU: 1480

Latency: 750 ms

I did this while no one else was using the Internet, and these numbers are pretty steady. Also, my latency is usually higher than 750 ms.