sorry its gonna be pretty long well i have a boyfriend who i love to pieces but alately this girl who i am good friends with has been acting really starnge around me she does it to other people sometimes but its just me in particular shes really touchy feely and she always stares at me and looks me up and down and she always sits on me , anyway once we went to the cinemas and 3 other friends came and she was really going for it she was kissing up my arm feeling my **** and my other friend just sat there laughing , i was really unconfaterble btw but she always says shes joking afterwards but i kind of like it when she does theese things to me even thouhg i know i shudnt IVE EVEN STARTED DREAMING ABOUT HER AND ITS DRIVING ME MADD !!! and she told my boyfriend that i went all lesbian on her in the cinema when it was infact her that went lesbian on me . i just cant understand eather she has feelings for me or shes just messing me about NEEED A GOOOD LONG ANSWER !!! im also 13 btw and so is my friend and boyfriend and btw i dont encourage her in any shape or form once she even shoved me up against a locker and then said are you coming to dinner cos i could sure eat you up IS SHE PLAYING WITH MY HEAD OR WHAT SOMEONE HELP MEE HERE !! and do you think she could have lesbian feelings towards me i cant stop dreaming about her errgh what is wrong here !!!???