Okay, so I was going to ask this on Yahoo ask, but that didn't work out cause screw yahoo. :/

So on this game that I play, I am a member in a RP server.
Everyone on it has good characters, they know how to react perfectly too whatever, and they always have something to say to bring up conversation IC. (In character...)
But when I RP, my characters have come across to others as being very robotic and emotionless, and boring.
I haven't really had much chance to get a lot of RP experience, but in my eyes my RP is at MOST, just "fine"...(But really, I do suck. :/ )
So I was wondering if anyone out there had some advice on how to react with actual EMOTION to things?
It seems when I RP as a Human, I have a hard time and just come across as robotic and emotionless..
Yet the thought of RPing as an alien of some sort seems like it would be a lot easier, for whatever reason. :/
So, does anyone have any tips? I have a very hard time reacting with emotion to things, and I can't really figure out how to do that so perfectly like everyone else does.
Also, as if this wasn't bad enough, there are times (MOST of the time! D: ) where I just don't know what to say or bring up IC at all, and I'm just sitting there, quietly..not saying a word.
Everyone notices this, of course.. ._.

So, anything? Please? I suck at being emotional and bringing up random crap to talk about IC. Help is VERY needed right now.
I freaking LOVE to RP, but I'm just not good at it, so it makes me feel very bad for myself to know just how bad I am at something that I just love doing....