me and my girlfriend where having sex backwards the other night. not anal. but vaginal intercourse, and we were having sex like then for atleast 10minutes. then i went to the normal missionary position, and i tried putting my penis in her and it would not go in, when it did it bent, almost as if her insides have shifted and this hurt me. so we stop. and wait a day.. and when we were going to have sex her vagina was still the same way it was before.. so i thought we just have to kinda put the vagina the right way but i coulnt, i found the her on top worked alittle bit, and i shifted back alittle bit but i still hurt misionary. please help!
This is a new one on me, your penis should go into her vagina from any poss, All i can advise is to try it again, it was made for the penis to be inserted is shouldn't be any drama, good luck.