Young adult (18).Im Currently Homeless and Unemployed with No High School Diploma or any Income of my own. Im Too ashamed to ask my family for help. I want to get on my feet and really fast before the winter and before school starts again September. How can i get my own shelter,income, and sense of happiness? What Do I Need To Do?
Answers (2)
ask your family no need to be ashamed because no matter how you feel family is always there to help you when no one else will also try shelter all u have to do is pray I was somewhat in your situation living with my kids father who felt I needed him dependedd on him I had no job no high school diploma and he felt he could tell me to get out so it was just like I had no home but I prayed to god I reached out to my family also there are free ged classes if you take the classes and do really well they will pay for your test and now if you do well on your test you'll get a certificate that go's on your resume as if you had high school diploma